Saturday, October 31, 2009

Picture For This Day

On Friday, Kiernan's school had a costume parade at the end of the day. This is a shot from right before the parade.

Kiernan's favorite subject these days is dinosaurs, as most of you know, so it makes sense that he should be one for Halloween. He chose Triceratops. I love this, as that's my favorite dinosaur and always has been. Kiernan's good friend Oliver is crazy about The Beatles. No, I'm not kidding. He is a five-year-old with a favorite rock band. And not only that, his favorite band is not some weird, goofy, insipid fuzzy-suit-wearing group of goofballs from Australia or something. He loves The Beatles. So his parents dressed him as his favorite Beatle, George.

Coolest. Parents. Ever.

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Picture For This Day

Kiernan and his friend Oliver during last week's field trip to the pumpkin patch at Underwood Family Farms. His first real field trip.

Moorpark, CA
October 19, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Picture For This Day

Even though this is a pretty crappy picture quality-wise--I've got to get a new camera, something that does stills properly and also does video--I'm posting it because it was a great moment. This is a shot from our trip to the Natural History Museum last weekend. Kiernan was excited about this display because anything even slightly related to dinosaurs interests him. Ammonites, being an extinct group of marine animals that disappeared around the same time as the dinosaurs (to over-simplify things), clearly interest him.

The cool thing about this moment was that he walked up to this huge ammonite, looked at the sign, and started reading it, sounding out the scientific name Pachydiscus seppenradensis out loud on his own. I can't say I ever get nonchalant about the fact that Kiernan can read, as I constantly find joy and surprise in it. But I have come to expect him to read most simple things and most signs (making billboards like the ones for Zombieland* problematic) and don't go ga-ga over every little thing. However, it still knocks my socks off when he reads something like this. Wendy and I just turned to each other with our mouths open.

I'll try to find a couple of better pictures from the museum trip and put those up too, but the visit was something of a bust. As it seems with all such attractions in Los Angeles, it was under extensive renovation, and the renovations seemed to include most of the dinosaur stuff. I don't know what the deal is with LA (the zoo, until recently the Griffith Park Observatory) and renovations, but it's annoying.

Anyway, loved this moment.

Natural History Museum
October 17, 2009

*Loved the movie, BTW.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Picture For This Day

We had a couple of days of decent rain this week. So nice after all the heat. I really loved the change. Kiernan was annoyed by the rain, however, as it kept him from playing outside with his friend Oliver after school.

So yesterday I let him play for a long time with his friends, including a new friend named Mason from the room next to his class. The theme of this play session was Dinosaurs, Puddles, and Mud. What is it about boys and puddles? The moment a puddle appears a boy is sure to launch himself into it. Water goes everywhere. Then on the way to the car he complains that his feet are wet. "I'll need to take my shoes off when we get to the car. My feet are all squishy in them."

"Oh really? I wonder how that happened."

I can't believe I'm complaining about this.

At any rate, as I took this picture I was thinking that age old thought: "Boys will be boys." I shook my head, bemused. "You don't see any girls doing this," I thought with a sigh.

Moments later two girls from Kiernan's class, Lillie and Molly, walked by with Lillie's mom. They saw Kiernan and Oliver pouncing into the water puddle and immediately climbed down to see what was up. Before her mother could stop her Lillie leapt into the puddle, splashing water all over them. Kiernan howled with laughter.

Shows what I know.

October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Picture For This Day

At the LA County Fair last week. He's a little concerned about the Tyrannosaurus behind us.

Pomona, CA
October 4, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pictures of This Day

I just got a new phone. I'm still getting used to it. Here's a couple of pictures I took with the phone, the first ones I've posted. I'm considering getting a new camera, but leaning away from the higher end SLR I had planned on getting previously. I'm thinking of something like a Flip Cam so I can start to post video. Or maybe the Canon SD960 IS, so I can shoot video and stills. Not sure yet.

Anyway, here's a couple pictures from the new phone. This phone is so much smarter than I am.

Here is a picture of Kiernan posing with three of his dinos. Allosaurus is chewing on the tail of Megalosaurus, who is, in turn, chomping on the tail of Spinosaurus. But I'm sure you all could suss that out from looking at the picture.

What the picture does not make explicit is that Kiernan is playing outside on this rainy day because he is totally freaked out by the smell of my cooking in the kitchen. I'm trying a new recipe for White Chicken Chili in the slow cooker. I've just toasted and ground some cumin seeds. He objected.

Oh, and here's a shot before that. This is Kiernan doing his homework, his daily reading, on the kitchen floor while I cook. At this point I'm still prepping. No offensive smells yet.

I keep telling myself he'll grow out of this picky-eater phase. Well, I can dream.


Pajama Day

Last Monday was Pajama Day at Kindergarten. Here's a slideshow of pictures taken right after school.

Kiernan and his friend Oliver hang out, as usual, combining their two favorite things. Dinosaurs and reading. Make that their three favorite things: dinosaurs, reading, and playing together.

Oliver had brought this dinosaur book to school. He was clearly excited to share it with Kiernan, and Kiernan responded in kind as he had read the book at a bookstore some time before. They ended up reading the book together and quizzing each other on which dinosaur was coming up next.

They get so excited about books. They truly love learning, and they don't even really know it.

I love it.

Friday, October 02, 2009


One of the first things we do when we get to the beach, after we've set up camp, is dig a big old hole. On this day we first dug a trench, and I worked on the hole (and the fortish wall in front of it) while Kiernan played with his dinosaurs in the trench. This big old hole usually takes a couple hours to dig, but this work is not constant. This work is constantly interrupted by trips to the ocean to fill buckets with water for Kiernan's trench experiments. He loves to set up his dinosaurs in the trench and then pour a bucketful of water at the mouth of the trench and see how the dinosaurs react. So I spend a lot of time walking to and fro from the ocean with buckets, all the while thinking of ways to work "carrying water for the Kiernan Administration" into a blog post.

There, I just did it. Phew.

I used to pretend that digging this big hole and making a fort and building sand castles was all for Kiernan and was a chore for me. I suppose I'm done with that pretense now. It turns out I just like playing in the sand. In particular, digging a big hole in the sand. Kiernan likes this too, to be sure, but I'm done pretending it's solely for him. I'll be honest. I dig this big hole because it's fun and somehow primal and having a son gives me an excuse to do this without looking like too much of a crazy person. There's something cool about rooting about in the sand. I'd love to dig a whole network of tunnels down there.

Please, let's not page Dr. Freud at this point.

At any rate, it turns out these big holes I dig for myself Kiernan and me to play in are not just interesting to us. It turns out these holes are kid magnets. In particular, boy magnets.

Now I've covered this before. In our first trip to the beach our hole was overrun by a bunch of kids. This happened again on our next trip, but I never got around to posting about that. Which is a shame, because it elicited some great quotes about kindergarten and Oprah. I promise to try to get around to that.

What usually happens is that I'm in the hole scooping out sand. I can barely be seen by people down the beach from me. Invariably some kid catches a glimpse of the hole and decides to investigate. He approaches with his little brother(s). They all say, "Cool!" Then they ask, "Can we jump in?" This is not so much a question as a mission statement. I look around hoping to see parents, grandparents, guardians, officers of the court...anybody. No adult manifests. The kids jump in.

At this point I leave the hole--I can't really be mucking about in this deep hole in the sand with children I don't know when their parents aren't around--and go to sit on the blanket and Kiernan sets about the work of making new friends.

This is a bittersweet moment. I lose the lovely labor of making my weird sand hole. But then again I gain a few moments of quiet reflection. Of peace. I can sit while Kiernan plays with other kids. And for a brief moment I see the value of having more than one kid. For a time I'm not required to be "on" for Kiernan. He is engaged with other kids. I'm basically unnecessary.

Yeah, the kids engage with me. For some reason kids do this. Just as they feel comfortable pouncing on the cool hole/fort I've constructed in the sand they somehow naturally feel comfortable conversing with me and generally disregarding my personal space. Most of the time this is fine. Sometimes it is weird. In the case of the second trip to the beach, which I promise to elaborate on, it serves to help me understand my friends who do not want kids and do not care to be around them. I wonder where their parents are and why they are suddenly my responsibility and why it's okay that they are suddenly dismantling this very cool hole I've dug in the sand.

No matter, it's only sand. And in today's case it's all good because Kiernan has again found some friends. Three brothers. Justin is the oldest (pictured, with stick), and he is fascinated by the hole but also fairly respectful. He bothers to ask me my name and Kiernan's name. He then proceeds to carve our names in the sand of our fort walls. I can tell he's a nice kid. The middle brother, Ryan (pictured, digging), is too. At one point he realizes they have all destroyed the fort and he says to me, "You did a lot of work. We're ruining it." I wave him off. It's only sand.

The littlest brother (pictured, blonde) is nice too. His birthday is exactly a month past Kiernan's. He is a big kid, much taller than Kiernan, but not quite as articulate. He is easily the most destructive of the lot, but then he is four and his name is Trevor. Trevor is one of those names. It's a harbinger name, like Cody or Dakota or Cooper. When you meet one of those kids, you know you're in for trouble. That's just the way it is.

Trevor isn't a bad kid, he's just a destructo kid. His brothers keep him in check for a bit but then they run off to do their thing and Trevor starts destroying the fort. He's not my kid so I'm not going to stop him. Eventually his mother shows up and says, weakly, "Trevor, don't mess that up. Don't mess up other people's stuff." But she says this half-heartedly, as if she's just entering it into the record. Again, it's just sand so who cares?

Finally Justin and Ryan run off and Kiernan and Trevor get down to serious playing. They take off down the beach and play in the surf. I've been trying to get Kiernan to play in the water all day and he has refused. But these boys jump in and he's all for it. He rolls around in the water with Trevor. They find a huge rock and decide to work together to bring it back to our base camp. This takes a good twenty minutes, but they persevere. It's really pretty neat watching them do this. Two mini Sisyphuses working so hard, not asking for help.

When Kiernan and Trevor arrive at the wrecked hole/fort with their rock, they play there for a bit. I say a word or two about Kiernan's dinosaurs.

Trevor says, "Your dad sounds like Elvis."

Wait. What?

Kiernan says, "Who's Elvis?"

Without hesitation Trevor replies, "He's the famouser dancer in the world."

"Dancer?" I say, before I can stop myself.

"Singer," Trevor corrects himself. "He's the famouser singer in the world."

Folks, I've heard a lot of things about myself. That I used to look like Lou Diamond Philips. That I should record audio books. That I sound like Elvis, the famouser singer/dancer in the world? That's a first.

Eventually Trevor and his family have to leave. We walk Justin's boogie board down to where the family has their blanket, over near the rocks, and Kiernan says goodbye. This goodbye is far easier than the first goodbye of the season, when he moped all the way home. This time he just says "Bye!" and heads off with me, content in the time he's had to play.

The big old hole in the sand is mostly filled in, thanks to the ministrations of Trevor, so I don't have to do anything. We pack up and head back home. This is probably the last day of our beach season. We'll see. If it was, it was a good one.

Thursday, October 01, 2009


Last night at dinner:

"I wish we had a marshmallow table. And every now and then, I'd bite the table."

September 30, 2009

When September Ends

That's the first picture I took of our trip to the beach on Monday, when Kiernan's school was closed for Yom Kippur and Wendy was on a work trip to Texas. We got to the sand, spread out the blanket, slathered on the sunblock, and Kiernan got down to business burying his dinosaurs in the sand.

Velociraptor says "Hi".

I don't speak Dino, so I can't be certain, but I believe I can interpret Saltosaurus' expression below as, "Oh the humanity."

We pretty much had the beach to ourselves.

A beautiful, moderate day, so welcome after all the oppressive heat of the Valley these last weeks. It was even a little overcast, which was a nice change. There were some surfers down at the surfer area, all sitting on their boards, bobbing up and down in the water. And a couple of guys stacking rocks down in the rocky section of the beach. Seriously. A long stretch of this beach is all rock, and these two dudes were stacking the rocks and balancing them and making cairns out of them. I wish I'd taken a picture of that, but I was in pack-animal mode when I saw them so I really couldn't. Here's a picture that shows some of the rocky area:

Those dots in the water over Kiernan's shoulder are the aforementioned surfers. The building there in the distance is the restroom/shower/lifeguard station. The parking lot is directly behind that, up an embankment. We walk down the beach past the rocky area and stake out an area with plenty of sand. We will bury dinosaurs with this sand. We will dig a trench and position the dinosaurs in the trench and then pour buckets of water down the trench to see how the dinosaurs get "slooshed" downstream. We will dig an enormous hole and jump into and out of it (more on the hole in a bit).

We will also constantly chase away seagulls. Because we have a history with them. One almost absconded with one of his toys last year. This was a fairly traumatic moment, but don't worry. It has made us stronger.

Here we see Kiernan about to go after a seagull he believes is getting a little too close to his dinosaurs. To me he kind of looks like a raptor as he makes his approach.

Here he confronts the seagull head on. What you can't hear, since this picture oddly has no audio, is the impressive Microraptor call Kiernan gives as he does this. It's really something. Next time you see him, ask him to do that for you. Make sure you're in a quiet restaurant and/or have a headache when you do this.

Next...The Black Hole.