Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Snake Version

My father is known for telling stories. He has a couple of story modes. Most often he will tell what the family refers to as "The Long Version". Upon request he will tell something called "The Short Version". Supposedly. I'm not sure anybody really has any experience with "The Short Version".

Today we took a roadtrip to Pennsylvania. We've been planning this trip for months so that Kiernan could meet Dad's mom, Bubba. Kiernan's great-grandmother. It is her ninetieth birthday tomorrow.

On the way we stopped at the State Arboretum of Virginia for lunch. Dad took this opportunity to tell Kiernan a couple of stories about snakes. Here's Kiernan listening to one of the stories:

Now a view of the other listeners at the picnic (save the photographer, Wendy):

[Truth be told, Dad is an excellent storyteller.]


Mitch Tobias said...

I'll give the short version.

xtien said...
