Monday, September 27, 2010

Quote For This Day

I was getting Kiernan ready for bed the other night and we were joking about something or other.  I don't even remember what.  Bionicles or what book we were going to read or something.  He said something goofy that sent me off into a faux rant:

"That's it!" I mock-yelled, storming out of the room.  "I quit!  I'm done!  I quit!"

I've threatened to quit a couple of times in texts to Wendy.  Last year when Kiernan started to show interest in Bionicles because his friends Oliver and Aidan were evangelizing for the toys.  This after Kiernan had collected seventeen thousand Gormiti toys, the previous thing they evangelized.  I threatened again a couple of weeks ago when Oliver started showing Kiernan his Pokemon cards.

My last "I quit" was just done resonating when Kiernan called from his bedroom, loudly and joyfully:

"You were appointed Dad for life!"

You see?  Good things can come from letting your five-year old read Calvin & Hobbes.


Aunt Amy said...

OMG. THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!! We should probably share this news with Rich as well. He is having a hard time accepting his new role.

xtien said...

Nah. I'd keep that news under wraps for a few years. Baby steps.

Mom/Nana said...

I had kinda hoped the age of Pokemon had passed.

xtien said...

You and me both, Mom.