Saturday, September 11, 2010

Picture For This Day

Going through a bunch of pictures and I found this one. I can tell it was taken by Wendy, as it uses a flash and I almost never do that. I just cannot stand the way most flash pictures look, so I avoid using one at all costs. But this picture is just beautiful. A wonderful picture. Good job, Wen!

This is from a couple of weeks ago when we were in a major fort phase. The family room was dominated by a fort for a good week, and every blanket in the house was pressed into service. This shot is from inside the fort.

I include a picture by Wendy as she is out of town, visiting with her sister and mother in Colorado and waiting for the arrival of the family's newest member. Wendy will be back home tomorrow, and we can't wait. Both because we miss her, and because I had to make waffles again this Saturday morning. Again! Oy. I need her here to make some pancakes or french toast for the boy. Seriously.

Have a great weekend.


Aunt Amy said...

This really is a wonderful picture. For me, this shot captures exactly how much he looks completely half Wendy and completely half Christian. Those features certainly did come together perfectly. What a gorgeous child.

Anonymous said...

Hey, wait! I get to do the french toast thing. K thinks I'm the best french toast maker, so please don't disillusion him. XXOO! S

Grance said...

Hey Gammy - when is the last time you made some French Toast for your loving husband? He really does look great and can make forts any time he comes here.

Wendy/Mom said...

Two things:
1. DAMN he really is a beautiful child. and
2. My french toast is really kinda awful so Gammy, you are way safe! K agrees.