Friday, September 24, 2010

Dukedom Gross Enough

Yesterday was the first Library Day of the year.  Unlike last year the kids actually get to check out books and take them home.  He was quite pleased to reveal to me the book he'd chosen for the week.  We're not big fans of Capt. Underpants around here...wait, let me revise that: the adults in the house are not big fans of Captain Underpants.  We spend enough energy policing the potty words as it is.  And he seriously doesn't need any help or encouragement to find new ways to use them.  But they have the books in his classroom, so what can you do?

Plus, there's really no getting around the fact that these kids just love potty-speak.  It's just endlessly fascinating to them.  The other day before my volunteering stint in Kiernan's classroom, I looked through the bookshelf while the teacher got ready for the kids to return from recess.  I happened upon a book about a mole doing an investigation.  What was he investigating?  Why who pooped on his head, of course.  The little fella spent the entire book with poop on his head.  Amusing, I have to admit.  Disgusting to be sure, but amusing.  I chuckled and the teacher asked what I was reading.  I told her and she said, "Oh I forgot about that book!  I'll have to read it to them later."


I'm only slightly complaining.  I love how much Kiernan loves books.  As we walked to the car after school he couldn't get his head out of his new library book.  Captain Underpants.  Oy.  Oh well...he's reading.

Plus, anyone who has ever been around Wendy for any length of time (especially trips and holidays) will instantly recognize where this comes from.

Love it.

[BTW: The blue dot between Kiernan's eyes in the picture at the top is a sticker he received for doing something or other properly in class.  That getting a little sticker he can put on his face motivates him is another one of those sweet little signs of innocence I'll never quite get, and dread losing.]


JoAnne said...

That's beautiful! And, yes, you're right about Wendy's ink-stained nose. I remember one summer when all us kids piled into Jake's tiny sailboat and were bouncing through the waves while Wendy never lost her spot on the page.

BTW, who did poop on mole's head? And why didn't he wipe it off before interrogating his furry peers?

Great post. I can't believe Kiernan is already reading Captain Underpants...

Miss you three!

JoAnne said...

Hey! My word verification word was poopoo!

Aunt Amy said...

I remember that summer. It was on a lake near the Chesapeake Bay. I was pissed at Wendy the whole time for that constant reading. The blatant neglect of her little sister made me cry!! What, oh what, in that damned book could have been more interesting than me!? P.S. My word verification was " oh feces!". Of course, they spelled it ophesses...but we know what they meant. It's a conspiracy.

xtien said...

Use that to your advantage with Quinn. This is the best thing about teaching them (children and spouses) to read early. Moments when they are reading are your General Foods International Coffee moments.

Wendy/Mom said...

First of all, I'm glad it was clear to MOST readers that you were referring to READING CONSTANTLY on trips when connecting this post to me, as opposed to the poop references. (Though I admit to also being the one who needs the most potty breaks on trips....but that's a small bladder issue.) Second, while I do not like Capt Underpants, I do admit that a chapter entitled "The deliriously dangerous deeds of a death-defying dandelion" (or whatever it was) is amusing and requires strong reading skills. So is half full I guess. word is anus. :( (spelled aines)
It IS a conspiracy.