Sunday, May 08, 2011

Picture of This Day

On the occasion of Grandaddy Jake's birthday party. Three young cousins posing for a picture. This is what I imagine is going on...

Quinn: Whoa. Hey guys. Um...There's an asteroid headed for Earth and it's about to hit us!

Dorian: What's that Quinn? An asteroid? I'm totally listening dude.

Kiernan: Ixnay ethay asteroidway alktay, ellasfay. Mom wants us to smile, let's mess with her head.

Happy Birthday, Jake.

May 8, 2011
Colorado Springs, CO


Aunt Amy said...

Excellent adventure in kiddie talk. I nominate you to decipher for all future occasions. And I do hope you sent this to Dad. Awesome. :)

Susan said...

Too, too funny! But probably accurate! XO! Gammy