Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Picture For This Day

One day in Williamsburg Kiernan and I spent a couple of hours hanging out in the bookstore while the women went shopping. He spent the bulk of his time reading a Shel Silverstein book called Where the Sidewalk Ends. He was engrossed in it. Often he would start laughing at a poem and want to share it with me. This was one he wanted to read to me. I was so proud. My son loves poetry!

He read this poem "US" to me and it just made me happy to be sitting there in the bookstore, having my son read to me a poem that had spoken to him. Beautiful.

Suddenly a word caught my ear.

"Wait," I said. "You like this because of the 'He has to pee' line, don't you?"

He got that impish look and smiled broadly.

I'm so proud.

April 30, 2011
Williamsburg, VA

1 comment:

Aunt Amy said...

You should be proud. What a kid. Really, truly, absolutooly...what a fabulous kid. xo