Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This weekend Kiernan acquired a new cousin due to some efforts by his Aunt Amy and Uncle Rich. At Wendy's behest we sent off a bunch of pictures welcoming him to the world. Well...the external world, anyway. Since Kiernan's friend Teddy was over for a playdate, he got in on the action.

Congratulations to Amy and Rich, and welcome to the world, Quinn Collins Casey!


Susan said...

Quinn will be in AWE of his cousin, Kiernan, in just a few short years. Glad the big, mean fish didn't send a note!!! :-)

Quinn Collins Casey said...

I can't wait to! meet my big cousin, Kiernan! (At least that is what we think he said...he may also have said "I made a poop.")

Wendy/Mom said...

Hey! Where's the pic of Uncle Xtien and Aunt Wendy saying hi to Quinn? I want those posted too, please. Don't want him thinking down the road that we didn't care enough to say hi!!

xtien said...

Pish. He'll have his own iPhone before he's two I'm sure. He'll see those pictures plenty.