On this, the third day of First Grade. You can just see the maturity developing.
Wendy is out of town, visiting Aunt Amy in Denver and looking forward to the birth of Amy's first baby. As is my wont, I try to capture a picture to send out to Mommy. As the class lined up I requested the "I Love You" hand sign. This is what I got. So this is the picture Mommy got on her phone.
Today after school Kiernan's new teacher told me and Oliver's mom (Oliver is in the red shirt above) that the two of them are very well-behaved in class. She told us this without prompting, which was a great thing. Just yesterday I was wondering about this with Oliver's mom. The two boys are so crazy around each other sometimes. Were they like this during school? To say the two of them act like a couple of apes on speed when they're around each other after school would be to understate. It's very cool to hear that they act like civilized boys in class. Hopefully this continues.
I suppose I shouldn't really be surprised. We saw the same story play out in Kindergarten. And, you know what? I'm gonna include a bonus pic at the end of this post. It's from Kiernan's most recent playdate with Oliver. The shot is the two of them sharing a snack and reading together. During a playdate. I provided the snack. The reading together was their idea.*
Great kids.

*Be assured they also beat the ever loving crap out of me in an epic pillow fight during this playdate. Lest you think these things are all intellectual pursuits.
1 comment:
What a great chronicle in the life of my son, as well as the life of my grandson. This makes me laugh because the picture is so much like you - then and now. MISS YOU!
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