Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Shortcut to Tomatoes

While we were in Virginia, Kiernan and Pap-Pap picked Pap-Pap's first tomato of the season.

Sadly, I missed my first tomato back in California as it ripened while we were away. I've grown tomatoes before (I love homegrown tomatoes with a deep and abiding passion), but never all the way from a seed. In the past it's been from seedlings or adult plants bought at the hardware store. This time Kiernan and I planted the seeds ourselves and have nurtured them along.

A couple of weeks away did my plants no good, even though we had someone here to water them. I find they need more personal attention. Luckily Kiernan and I have become expert caterpillar hunters and the plants are doing pretty well. I see one of the tomatoes starting to go orange even as I write this.

The last picture in the slide show is the hunter-gatherer presenting his prize to Sandi.


Mom/Nana said...

(This is the 2nd time I have posted a comment; however, the 1st one mysteriously disappeared. If it turns up somewhere, let me know.)

Love that smile of delight when KMan picks the tomato. Then he carries it like a treasure to present to mistress Sandi.

So you have continued our bug patrol.

Anonymous said...

............and after Sandi washed it, did he grab it and gobble it down before Mommy could get it??? XO! G & G

Anonymous said...

After thought...................LOVED the slide show. You realy captured the "adventure" well. XO!

xtien said...

As you probably know, Kiernan shares his mother's view of tomatoes, so far.

Actually his is more extreme. She'll eat tomato sauce on pizza and pasta, as long as it has no tomato texture at all (no chunks of tomatoes). He won't even eat the sauce.

Plain pasta with cheese. Pizza without sauce (essentially cheesebread).

How did I end up with these people?

leapyeargrl said...

I am so sorry you missed your first tomato, but it might make you feel better that it missed you too. It waited as long as it could.