Saturday, February 26, 2011

Question of The Day

Kiernan was in the tub and he hit me with this one.

"What's the word for when a person rises from the dead?"


"What's the word for when a person rises from the dead? I know the word for when a person floats in the air. That's levitation. What's the word for coming back from the dead?"

I tried for some context, and failed. But then I remembered that right now everything is about exploring superhero powers and creating his own Bionicles with their own special weapons. So I put this question in that slot.

"Resurrection," I replied, finally.

"Oh!" He brightened up. "What was it again?"


"Okay. Resurrection."


Claire Lynch said...

That- or you know- "Zombie"... Just sayin'! :)

xtien said...

Ha! I'll keep that in mind for when he asks about the undead.


Mom/Nana said...

Ahhh, an answer bubbling up from your past.