Friday, February 04, 2011

Picture For This Day

We had Nana in town last week for a visit, which was so great. We're missing her now that she's back home. Just felt like saying that.

Here you see her playing a game she invented with Kiernan. They were throwing rocks into the tree and predicting where those rocks would land. Or something. I can't really say for certain, as I wasn't invited to play. This was Nana and Kiernan time.

I was only to happy to 'c' my way out.

January 24, 2011

1 comment:

Mom/Nana said...

I keep reading and re-reading this cause I miss you too. Not sure why I keep re-reading since it both makes me miss you all the more and yet also is my Christien/Kiernan/Wendy fix for the day.