Friday, February 25, 2011

Picture of This Day

Wendy bought him cowboy boots, and he's crazy about them. She's out of town for a couple of days this week, so picking out clothes for school can get a little dicey. It's Friday so I figured sweats and a t-shirt would be okay. I have him a couple of choices for shirts and underwear.  When we got to the front door after brushing teeth, this is what I saw.  Sweats tucked in boots.

"You sure about that?" I asked.

"I love these boots!"  He was beaming.

As I put on my seatbelt I heard him singing softly to himself a made up song. It went something like this, "It's gonna be a great day, because I'm wearing my new boots."

Onward to school.


Aunt Amy said...

OH, SOOOOO CUTE. I love him.

Mom/Nana said...

From his dad's Colorado roots.

Mom/Nana said...

His Pop would be proud.