Monday, June 23, 2008

Interesting Words...Part II

As promised, this is the second conversation [snippet] from a pad of paper I found dated May 12, 2008. The first conversation dealt with words. This conversation deals with the planets. This is a little easier for me to set up than the other one because Kiernan is nuts about the Solar System, and most of you know this. He loves the planets, loves to draw and sing about them, and knows far more about them than any adult I've ever met knows about them. [Incidentally, I intend to avoid meeting our friend Rachel Friedman Narr's father in order to keep it that way.]

I mean, he (Kiernan...I can't speak for the good Dr. Louis) knows the names of the major moons of the planets, and also can tell you the names of the moons of the Plutoids. No, that's not a word I just made up. Nor is it a new series on Nickelodeon. It's the new name given to Pluto and Eris, which were formerly dwarf planets. And while it's been difficult for me to make the transition, Kiernan has had no trouble with it whatsoever.

Oof. I didn't mean to go all Solar System on you. I just meant to transcribe this little conversation I had with Kiernan a couple months ago (or, rather, that he had with me). So, without further ado...

K: What is your favorite planet?

X: Mercury.

K: I have one. I have two. I have three. Mars. Jupiter. Saturn. You know why? Mars because it's red and rusty. Jupiter because it has big rings, stripes, and a swirling storm. Saturn because it has rings and it is red. What are your three favorites?

X: I have one. Mercury.

K: I'll help you figure out three. Venus because it's hot. Earth because it's our home.

If you are having trouble figuring out what your favorite planet is, or, more to the point, if you find yourself stuck with only one favorite planet, OR if you are having trouble justifying your choice(s) of favorite planet(s)...please do stop by the house. I believe we can help.

I've got to find a way to start charging for this kind of stuff.


Anonymous said...

Wrong about the charging possibility. Remember, for some things, there's MasterCard, but the words from Kiernan are ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS!! Think it has anything to do with the fact that his dad is a writer (words) and his mom is an educator (words)??? XO! Gammy and Grance

JoAnne said...

"I have one. I have two. I have three."

Beautiful! I can just hear his enthusiasm brimming over.

Thank you so much for sharing these treasures- and thank you for snippitizing them in the first place!


Anonymous said...

I like Saturn... but too obvious- Neptune is a lovely teal color. Have you see the t-shirt "When I was your age, Pluto was a planet"?
