Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Picture For This Day

At Kiernan's school, birthdays are celebrated on a monthly basis.  That is to say, at the end of each month the entire grade--in Kiernan's case 1st--gathers at the lunch area on a day late in the month to celebrate all the birthdays of that month.  Parents of that month's celebrators bring in cupcakes and drinks and there is a big to-do.  The kids-of-honor wear crowns and stand on a table in front of the assembled and there is much singing and frivolity.  I took this picture as the first grade kids lined up in front of the lunch area in preparation for the festivities.

If I had to caption this picture, I think I'd just throw up my hands and fall back on that wonderful French turn of phrase...joie de vivre.

The best thing about being one of those annoying people who takes pictures all the time?  You get life lessons in constant and sustainable installments.  My boy teaches me something every day.  Sometimes months later.  And for that, I am so thankful.

November 2010


Aunt Amy said...

This picture brings tears to my eyes. Joie de vivre is exactly what I thought while looking at it and it makes me ache for that time again. I prefer it to being an adult. I really, really prefer it to being an adult.

xtien said...

I love this comment, Amy.

Aching for that time is okay. Consider, too, that this time is ahead for you as well...not just behind.
