Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Let Slide

We celebrated more than one birthday this past holiday weekend.  One of the greatest gifts given was the gift of solitude.  That is to say, Kiernan was invited to a friend's birthday party on his dad's birthday, and said dad was excluded from said event by one amazing mom/wife.  Said dad might risk coming across as disingenuous by saying he was sad to miss the event, but it's probably best he just admit he loved going to see a shoot-em-up movie starring The Rock instead, all on his lonesome.  Especially since said shoot-em-up movie was showing at a theater at which said dad could sit down to a lovely beer beforehand.  Sometimes it's good to live in California.

Oh.  Sorry.  Back to the blog at hand.

I wasn't there, so I can only speak in the pictures I found on this memory card from the camera.  Kiernan went to the birthday party of his friend Ryan with his mom and Gammy.   The party was held at a place called Scooter's Jungle.  It's a play place.  Imagine a blow up slide on steroids and you'll come close.  So here's a picture from the event.  Kiernan on a slide...with Gammy.

This picture is all you need to know to understand what I mean when I say the following...Kiernan has the greatest grandparents in the history of grandparents.

Oh...and his mom is pretty great too.

Wendy may get annoyed at the inclusion of this picture.  It's a weird blurry picture.  But it says so much, and I loved finding it on the memory card.  It's so perfect.  Kiernan's active, fun, happy mom.  Also, I've got to say...I think she looks hot.  This picture makes me smile.  Kiernan and his dad are lucky boys.

Finally, a picture of Kiernan with a couple of friends.  There on the right is the birthday boy, Ryan.  I think that's his friend Jon, on the left, but I could be wrong about that.  Regardless, I love the faces here.


Anonymous said...

That slide was SO MUCH FUN! Of course, Kiernan looks cool and his Gammy looks terrified. 3rd and 4th time around were much better. And Kiernan's party -- with 25,000 6 year olds, 57 games, and a Mata Nui cake was, as usual, the place to be. Here the attraction for Gammy was the guy in the bubble singing Christmas farting songs (explain that one, X!) and the bouncy house with K and Dorian! It's great to be a grandparent! XO! S

xtien said...

I think I'll let the pictures do the explaining of bubble boy. Hopefully brutha Mitch will send some along soon!


Aunt Amy said...

I agree---Wendy looks hot and Gammy is the greatest grandparent ever! She is with Quinn and me this weekend and it's clear you guys haven't tired her out. She is so wonderful! I can't wait for a future of bouncy houses and mammoth slides!

xtien said...

Oooh! I'm jealous that you get Gammy this weekend. I know we just had her, but, when it comes to Gammy, selfishness is not a sin!

Send her back!
