Saturday, August 07, 2010

Photoshoot of This Day

A little experiment here. We'll see how it goes.

Kiernan has become fairly assertive when it comes to the use of my phone. When we're sending a text to Wendy, he often wants to type it out. At first I was resistant to this, as I felt it would take forever for him to hunt and peck out each message. But then I paid attention to myself while texting and I realized that while I was typing out words quickly, I was spending a lot of time fixing typos. Kiernan took far longer to find the letters, but made far fewer mistakes. was a wash.

Yesterday he wanted to send his mother a picture of his Bionicles, his current obsession. Usually he sets up the tableau and I snap the picture, but this day he wanted to take the picture and send it himself. He did so, and after that he wandered the house shooting other pictures. I wanted to read some news, so I let him.

He returned to me a bit later and handed me my phone with about a hundred more pictures on it.

I've decided to share these pictures. Actually this represents two photoshoots. I've removed the straight up dark pictures of nothingness. Many of these pictures will still be tough to make out. There's a lot of pictures of his Bionicles, and of his drawings of said Bionicles, and of various weird bits of normalness around the house. But I find this charming.

Enjoy. There's a hundred or so pictures in this slideshow, so you may want to come back and look at it from time to time rather than sit through the whole thing right now.

August 6, 2010
Winnetka, CA


Anonymous said...

It's good we no longer have to pay for film and developing!! Very interesting looking at the world from Kiernan's point of view! - Daniel

JoAnne said...

my favorite is his self-portrait! you can feel he's smiling, even though his mouth is mostly off the screen.

oh, and can you post that story that was snapped, the "there once was a mom"

what happens? how does it turn out?

as always, thanks for sharing!

hugs from your family up in Oakland,
