Sunday, April 18, 2010


Here is the explanation video I promised in this post here.

The two of them took the volcano to school the next week and Kiernan taught some volcano facts and with the help of some vinegar and baking soda the two of them executed a volcano eruption for Kindergarten Room #2. It was a beautiful thing.


Anonymous said...

You left us hanging. We need to see the eruption. PapPap

Wendy/Mom said...

We'll have to tape the eruption for the reading/watching audience. :)

Also, I wanted to share that Kiernan and I actually taught a mini-lesson to his class. He picked pictures, volcano jokes, and vocabulary (lava, magma & volcanologist) to share with his friends. He wrote the vocab words on the board himself (creative spelling). The whole class loved the eruption and I even had 2 moms tell me they learned the difference between lava and magma from their kids that night. Don't know the difference? Ask Kiernan sometime!