Monday, April 26, 2010

Picture of This Day

My boy making me look good while we shop at the grocery store. Sitting there quietly for the entire time and reading a graphic biography of Albert Einstein.

Monday, April 26, 2010.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Picture For This Day

Posted without further comment:

Except to say, courtesy of Grandaddy Jake.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Here is the explanation video I promised in this post here.

The two of them took the volcano to school the next week and Kiernan taught some volcano facts and with the help of some vinegar and baking soda the two of them executed a volcano eruption for Kindergarten Room #2. It was a beautiful thing.


We went to Legoland for Wendy's birthday last month. We haven't been there for a couple of years, but I recalled that there was a water area and so we packed some extra clothes for Kiernan. It was a little chilly on this day, March 31, so I thought we probably wouldn't need them. I was wrong.

The kid he's running around with is some random kid that was there, a kid Kiernan immediately made friends with, finding out his name and informing us that we should hang out with this kid and his family for the rest of the day. He's incredibly good at this.

What may not be apparent from the video, is that there was a bucket out of frame that was filling with water. When it became full it would tip over and dump its contents. Kiernan wandered under this bucket at just the right moment.

Legoland was a blast.

Oh...and here's a bonus video from Legoland. She has only herself to blame.

Picture For This Day

A picture from last week when Gammy was here visiting during Kiernan's spring break. The adults retired to the kitchen to prepare dinner, and he took a break from bouncing off the walls to sit at his desk and draw a bit. We were chatting and I saw him over there at his desk, quietly doing his thing.

These little moments...they brighten my life.

I grabbed the camera and took a shot through the kitchen pass-through. Looking at this picture now, more than a week later, and I just feel pleased. Happy.

You may detect a volcano in the foreground. I'll try to post a video about that tomorrow.

April 9, 2010