Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Not To Worry...

Folks, just a quick post to let you all know we're all right. We just had a 5.8 earthquake here in Los Angeles. I felt it pretty strongly here at the house. The walls were moving and a couple of pictures tipped over. I stood in a doorway during the most intense part of it, then went outside. The powerlines were swaying back and forth, noticeably so, and continued to sway for a good thirty seconds after the rolling motion of the earthquake subsided.

Wendy and Kiernan were away from the house, just a few minutes away, and didn't feel a thing.

The cell phones have been a bit hinky, so I wanted to immediately post something here in case any of you are at work and concerned.

Love to you all.

UPDATE: It's actually been officially labeled a 5.4 quake. There have been some aftershocks, but those have been of diminishing strength, which is a good sign. Xtien

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