Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rites of School Pickup

We are now into Pap-Pap, Day Two. Dad and I have arrived at school to pick up Kiernan. This is generally my favorite part of any day, that moment when the teacher calls for Kiernan to come out of the classroom, and he peers around the doorway and sees me. Then he smiles and with a war cry comes running into my arms.

This moment is a bit different with Pap-Pap here, as Kiernan only has eyes for him. I'm definitely second fiddle. But that's okay, because getting to watch Kiernan's face as he charges for his grandfather is fantastic. All these little moments you never really consider when you decide to become a parent are just staggering.

Before we can leave the school we generally must read a book or two. Almost every day we do this, and I insist that Kiernan ask his teacher, Teacher Stephanie, if this is okay. She invariably says we can, and we go back in and read for a bit. This time Pap-Pap got to read a couple of books to Kiernan.

I'm sure this is obvious by now, but the pictures here show Kiernan and Pap-Pap in his classroom, in the little book/library area, reading.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! If top picture is any indication of the future, this kid is, INDEED, a ladies man! He's already this lady's special love. XO! M/S/G and R/G

Anonymous said...

LOVE the shirt. Your Dad looks so sweet and loveable in these pictures too. K is one loved little boy!