Moments before this, the three of us were hanging out on the back steps. Kiernan had just finished a round of watering, so he climbed up to the top step and sat down. He picked up the empty package from a set of Giant Magnetic Letters that I had not yet taken to the trash can. The little cardboard insert that tells what the toy is fell out, and he grabbed it and started pointing out colors and letters.
The key word he focused on was the main word on the insert: "lowercase". He pointed out the W, saying, as usual, "William!" Or at least his version of the name. William is his two-year old friend who lives down at the other end of the street.
Kiernan then flipped the cardboard insert over, gave a surprised little yelp, and pointed at the W again. Only now, upside down, it was of course an M. He said, "Mama," as he is wont to do when he sees an M. Then he flipped it over again, gave another surprised yelp, and said, "William!"
This went on for some time. Flipping the insert. Yelping in surprise. Calling out the letter/name. That's really all this post is about. It was a little slice-of-life moment that struck me. So I thought I'd share it with you.
Oh...and man it's good to have Wendy back home.
Welcome home, Wendy! What a great smile K has for you....and a cute big boy haircut, too. D & D's handiwork?
Do you remember that Nanny used to show our cousin Jay the M/W connection and that he started referring to her as MW? How did that go again?
You guys sound great. Thanks for another wonderful update. Love,
Good Lord! He knows letter sounds already?!? That scares me... in a good way, of course. I give the credit to the CHIME preschool. Am I right to do that? :)
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