Thursday, May 11, 2006

Good Enough for Me

This morning I was wearing my Donald Duck shirt. It says, "DONALD" across the chest in capital letters. Donald is in the center of the shirt, and underneath him is printed, "Still angry after all these years."

As I said in the second "Brought to you by the letter 'K'" post, whenever Kiernan sees letters, he yells them out to identify them. He immediately started talking about the letters D on my shirt, as well as the A and the N. When he points out a D, I say, "Yes, right. What does it stand for?" He says, "Da-da." Then he gives the hand sign for Daniel, and I say, "Daniel." Then he gives the hand sign for Darren, and I say, "Darren." He nods after every one of my correct answers, reminding me just who in this relationship is really being trained. He does not know hand signs for everybody, but we created signs for his two godfathers because he says their names, and Da-Da, in almost exactly the same way.

This morning I went through all three "Da" names and we went about playing. He pointed out the letter D on my chest again a few minutes later and I said, "Da-Da." He nodded. We'd been singing and dancing all morning, so I just sang out, "D is for Daddy, that's good enough for me," to the tune of Cookie Monster's seminal, "C is for Cookie."

Kiernan looked at me and very clearly said, "Cookie. Cookie."

Oops. It's never a good idea to bring up cookies before you have fed the toddler breakfast. But he had never linked the two before, and I hum the tune all the time. So, I went into distraction mode. Luckily, that worked.

I'm going to have to be very careful when I play that Sesame Street playlist for him on my iPod, from now on.


Anonymous said...

Have you taught him H is for "Hope," yet?

Donald Duck was my absolute favorite growing up.

Anonymous said...

Prince Kiernan is one lucky guy! Indeed he "has it good". Not only because of free balloons, but also parents and godparents - possibly in that order for him!