Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pictures of This Weekend

Wendy took Kiernan and a couple of friends to the movies this weekend. The movie they saw...

...was the Winnie the Pooh movie. They all had a blast.

Of course, the movie Wendy wishes she could have taken them to was...

...some other movie about a wizard or somesuch. I don't know. I've only read up to the Alcatraz book, so I can't say. Luckily the boys were fine with Pooh.

Where was I during all of this? I was helping a buddy of mine move a bunch of stuff across the Valley for a yard sale this weekend. So I missed the trip to the Pooh movie. Drat. Don't feel too sorry for me though. I did get to see the hugest sunflowers of all time, as they lived at the home of the folks that were keeping the yard sale stuff.

Also, don't be too concerned for Wendy. I sent her off to see that wizard movie late this afternoon. So all is well.

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