Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Night of the Author

I've taken too much time off, so it's time to get TCK moving again. I'll start with a quick post about Author's Night.

One of the end-of-the-year activities at First Grade was Author's Night, where the families were invited to see  samples of writing from over the course of the year. We came in and found our First Grader there at his desk with a shoebox full of his writing. This was especially exciting as writing is not his favorite thing in the world to do, to put it mildly, so to have a chance to sit with him at his desk while he paged through the stories and letters he wrote over the course of the year was pure pleasure.

Later he would take us over to the Writer's Corner to show us more of his writing that had been posted in the classroom.

After that all the parents went to the auditorium to wait for the kids to come in and sing a couple of songs to us, including "So Long, Farewell" from Sound of Music complete with hand signs. Great.

Finally we all went out to the lunch area and had a huge potluck. I didn't even have to cook, as Wendy decided to make some of her amazing cupcakes.

One more shot of the author with his beautiful mom.


Aunt Amy said...

What do you bet he grows up and becomes a writer, like his awesome Dad. How lucky you guys are to have that school. They do such neat things. And you're right: you do have a beautiful wife.

xtien said...

Let's hope he becomes a writer like his mom, and gets published in a bunch of science journals. The kid loves science so much right now! That makes me so happy.

Thanks for the comment, Amy!


Anonymous said...

Love this one, but how can it be that K is not fond of writing when he has both parents who write well and lots? Pretty special, you three! XO! M/S/G