Thursday, November 04, 2010

Quote For This Day

One of the final rituals of bedtime around these parts is snuggling, in which one of us parents cuddles with Kiernan as he falls asleep.  Usually this task/privilege falls to Wendy, but as she is off gallivanting in Missouri with her wacky teacher friends presently, snuggling is my job this week.

Bedtime tonight, as his breathing began to change, signalling the transition to sleep, he made the following statement in a decidedly sleepy voice...

"Pap-Pap will be here in five days."

We talked to the East Coast Murawski folks last night, but we didn't talk about this at all today.  Sweet that this is on his mind as he drifts off tonight.  I counted off the days in my head.

"Yep," I said.  "You're right.  He'll be here in five days."

A contented sigh was his only response.


JoAnne said...

Tonight, let Kiernan know that Dorian will be there in 22 days! Call us when you get a chance- I hope to invite ourselves to spending the Thanksgiving/birthday weekend with you people.


JoAnne (praphyp)

Aunt Amy said...


xtien said...

Amy and JoAnne...thank you. I love getting comments from you two.


Aunt Amy said...

Well, we love the stories!! Thank YOU. XO