Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Non Pie-olent Protest

One of the lovely little byproducts of a grandparent visit is the sleeping in that often happens.  Kiernan is so excited to see the grandparent he can barely contain himself each morning.  As a result, his mom and dad get to steal a bit more shut-eye.  I want to take a moment right now to say this is not our primary joy in having visits from Kiernan's grandparents these days.  No no no no no.  We love having our parents visit because we love our parents.  First and foremost.  Getting a couple more hours sleep each morning is far down the list.  Way far down.  Really.

One morning we arose to find a note on the floor similar to the note pictured.  Kiernan spent a lot of Pap-Pap's visit acting like he was a seal, and Pap-Pap was his owner.  They developed a whole lovely fiction around Kiernan being a seal, doing tricks and getting fresh fish as reward.  He spent a lot of time going "Arp! Arp! Arp!"  Pap-Pap would translate.  I'll just go on the record and say that this was not annoying at all.  Nope.  I'll also say I consider it one of life's little miracles that this seal game seems to have left with Pap-Pap.

So the note we found on the floor that morning informed us that the two of them were running off to join the circus because there was no pie in the house.  We'd taken my dad to lunch at one of my favorite spots, a diner called Four'n 20.  They make some lovely food there.  One of the best BLT&G sandwiches I've ever had (that is Bacon Lettuce Tomato and Guacamole, of course).  But most importantly they make pie.  Oh, goodness do they make pie.

We took Dad there after a mini-golf outing with Kiernan's friends Ryan and Kyra and we took a bunch of pieces of pie home.  Those were dinner that night.  The boys woke up the next morning disappointed with the fact that the pie had not magically regenerated overnight.  So they ran away in protest.

I find this reaction to be entirely reasonable.  Being a pie lover* myself. 

Luckily the boys returned, but a few days later we found the above note on the door.  Fearing the guillotine I made a special trip back to Four'n 20 while Kiernan and Pap-Pap were in school on Monday.  Thus I avoided a full-scale revolt.

I need another picture to end this post.  I'm just gonna use a random pic from Pap-Pap's visit.  This has nothing to do with pie, and isn't a high-quality photograph at all, but it's too lovely not to post somewhere.  So here it is...

Dad is talking with Sandi.  I totally stole this moment, as the very next second Kiernan scrambled away and under Pap-Pap to keep me from getting another picture, as he is wont to do.



Susan said...

Fun post! And I think all grandparents would let mom and dad sleep all day if they want. That way we get Kiernan with no interference! :-) XO!

xtien said...

I know that's a wish we can make come true. Anytime! :)


Claire said...

I love the semi-matching pjs of the two- male bonding in action! How sweet- they both know that they are loved!

xtien said...

Good eye, Claire! The best part of that? Mommy matched them too.

Did they try to get me involved? Yes. Did they succeed? No.
