Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Picture of This Day

Lunch at one of my favorite places in the world, The Cheese Shop. This is the place that taught me that traveling 2,684 miles for a sandwich is not an unreasonable thing. Had a great lunch with Wendy, Kiernan, Pap-Pap, and Sandi.

Here's a bonus pic of my dad giving Kiernan the old Vulcan Mind Meld.

FWIW, my sandwich is the Combo (turkey/VA ham) with Havarti on French bread with extra house.

Williamsburg, VA
January 27, 2010


Claire said...

ooo- I'm soooo jealous! Be sure to stock up on extra Bread Ends and House for me... :)

Claire said...

And oh yea- (I got distracted by the Cheese Shop house dressing), Kiernan's face is PRICELESS- such a fabulous expression!

Anonymous said...

Why does Pap-Pap get all the pictures?

xtien said...

Pap-Pap is so weird.

Aunt Amy said...

I'll bet the Cheese Shop was one of Wendy's favorites, too! :) BTW, WTF is FWIW???

xtien said...

Actually, ironically enough The Cheese Shop is one of Wendy's favorite places to eat in the whole world. No trip to VA is complete for her without a meal there.

FWIW = For What It's Worth.

Aunt Amy said...

For what it's worth! Aha! TGMTWU! XO AA