Thursday, January 28, 2010


Kiernan visited Sandi's school and spent some time with some Virginia kindergartners. I believe this is the first time he has successfully jumped rope. Pretty cool.

We all have to start somewhere.


Aunt Amy said...

Darn! I wanted to see him jump rope for the first time, but it said the video was temporarily unavailable. Get on it, you techno-geek! I want to see Kiernan jump rope!!!

xtien said...

I'm not clear on why the videos are sometimes unavailable. We had the same problem when I was visiting my dad in Virginia, and I suspect it has something to do with the wireless network or Internet traffic at the time.

I just checked the video and it was fine.

Aunt Amy said...

And I just checked again and it was fine!! And...jump!!!! Fantastic! Excellent first effort!