Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pretty Funny

Tonight, in transitioning Kiernan to brushing teeth and bedtime reading, Wendy gave him four extra minutes for playtime with Granddaddy Jake. Have I mentioned how much I love the way this kid talks?

Granddaddy Jake: What are you gonna do for four minutes?

Kiernan: What do you want to do?

Granddaddy Jake: You could sit on the toilet for four minutes.

Kiernan: You've got to admit that's pretty funny.


Anonymous said...

Just got caught up with my favorite blog in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! Computer has been in the hospital. Good thing Calvin no longer visits with Kiernan in the potty. He would have taken up Jake's suggestion for those precious four minutes in a skinny minute. XO! M/S/G

xtien said...

So true.

Glad to have you back, Gammy!
