Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Between the Aunt and the Deep Blue Sea

From the 'Stuff I Missed in 2010 Files':

Last March we celebrated a big birthday for Kiernan's awesome mom.  We had a surprise celebration in lovely Oxnard, CA.  After the surprise party proper, Wendy and her girls went off to play mini golf.  While they were doing that, the men (such as they are) took the kids down to the beach (such as it was) to play.  After a couple of hours of this goofing around, one of the girls joined us.  A very special girl.  Aunt Amy.

Let me tell you, it was so cool to see Amy at this time.  We'd just gotten the news that Amy was expecting a Quinn, so it was exciting to lay eyes upon her again.  But also, for me, it was welcome to have Kiernan's black-hole-like need for attention be focused on someone else for a few minutes.  The day--not to mention the previous weeks of surprise party planning--had been a doozy.  If not for my awesome cohorts, Dr. Rachel and Dr. Sally, I would never have made it.  So Amy showed up at a great time.  Kiernan needed a break from me, and I needed a break from thinking.

They proceeded to work together on a project.  A writing project.  First Amy wrote something.

Awww! Isn't that sweet?  Aunt Amy is the bestest ever!

I snapped pictures, happy to have another adult around to keep his attention.  Next Aunt Amy encouraged Kiernan to write something in the sand.  Something lovely, for the Woman of the Moment...his aunt.

Look at that there!  How beautiful is that?  Kiernan loves his Aunt Amy.  He loves her so much he's taken the trouble and time to put it down for all posterity in a substance the Bible thinks so highly of it suggests you build your house upon it.  I think I learned that in Sunday School.

This was all well and good.  Very sweet.  Then Aunt Amy and Nephew Kiernan started on a new project.  I was told not to look.  Hmm.  Should I have been suspicious?  Nah.  What, me worry?

A boy and his aunt.  Yep.  Good times.

Let's just say I'm looking forward to some quality Quinn-and-his-uncle time in the years to come.


Wendy/Mom said...

Hysterical! I never knew about this. Thanks for sharing. I'm liking these "things I forgot to post" posts. Love you!

Claire said...

I'm pretty sure I was there for most of this- and let me tell you, Kiernan KNOWS how fabulous his family is! Lucky Quinn- and Kiernan for being part of such a family!

xtien said...

That's a lovely thing to say, Claire! Thank you.


Susan said...

..................and I love all of you!!! XO! M/S/G

JoAnne said...

I'm glad your proclamation got an exclamation point. The sand always honors enthusiastic punctuation, if not biblical structures.

Wendy's surprise party and Amy's surprise announcement made for a very special time. Thanks for tying it down with this lovely post.


Aunt Amy said...

Thank you for this post, Christien. You made me feel special, in the good special kind of way, and I appreciate it. That weekend was fun! You and Wink's friends did a wonderful job. My "I'm 4 months pregnant" announcement, however, went over like a lead balloon. Good thing Quinn (7 weeks old tomorrow!!) is so damn cute that all is forgiven in taking so long to announce him! Again, thanks for the sweet comments! xo