Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Picture For This Day

My sister Hope graduated law school on Saturday. I took this right before. We were all pretty excited.

Virginia Beach, VA
Saturday, May 8, 2010


Anonymous said...

He does look excited. But we are even more excited that you are coming today! Yea! Sandi

Wendy/Mom said...

Please note the INCREDIBLY CUTE outfit. The vest lasted about 10 seconds after this picture....but he was SO cute!

Mom said...

How special was this - my son, grandson, and daughter-in-law with us to celebrate this amazing day for our family. The 3 of you couldn't have been more beautiful!

xtien said...

You should hear me talk about it to my friends. A more proud brother you will not find!

Hope said...

Bubba, I was so proud to have you there. It was a great visit!!

Wendy - I LOVE the outfit. Well done.