Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rock and Rolling

A couple of pictures to go with the video I posted yesterday.

Here he is, back on the rock after getting drenched. We returned to the beach after breakfast this morning and the rock was gone, taken out by the tide overnight.

Another shot of his little piece of real estate.

And here he is when another wave came in, as another fear goes by the wayside.


Aunt Amy said...

What beautiful pictures! He really seems like he's getting so big! Are you sure the sand didn't just cover the rock up? Go digging for it today!! :) Fun vacation...I am so jealous. I am off to work even though it is a holiday. I love you guys!! xo

Grance said...

I can remember our time together in Hawaii when the only way I could get him close to the water was to hold him! Now there's nothing holding him back. That is so cool to see his trepidation turn into trust in himself. Still, I miss singing the wave song to him!