These days Kiernan has homework. Homework! Kindergarten homework! Can you believe this?
Right now it consists of practicing upper and lower case letters and doing a bit of reading each night. Twenty minutes of reading, to be precise, which he notes on the front sheet of the homework by giving the title of the book he has read along with its author. Some recent titles include Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss, The Complete Guide to Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Reptiles by Chris McNab, and My Daddy Snores by Nancy Rothstein. Why he would be interested in that last one, I have no idea.
The twenty minutes of reading, in particular, should never be a problem. He love
At this point? Heck. From now on.
It's also sometimes pleasant time for me, even in the sledgehammer heat of the Valley. I sit on the benches that surround one of the big trees on the playground and read my book while Kiernan and Oliver bury dinosaurs in the dirt and make mud with Oliver's water bottle. I'm actually reading a book for chunks of time for the first time since I can remember. It's kind of nice.
But still, work is a good thing. Learning that is important too.
After working on letters and reading during the week, homework is turned in on Friday. One more thing is due on this day. The Mystery Bag. I could write out what the Mystery Bag assignment is all about, but I think I shall just post an image of the last one.

So, as you can see, this time around Kiernan chose Bonitosaura. A dinosaur. I know! How weird is that! His clues, in case you're having trouble translating, are...
1. A sauropod (sauropods are an infraorder or clade of saurischian ["lizard-hipped"] dinosaurs, as I'm sure you well know).
2. Long tail (backwards 'g' there).
3. Loud feet.
Now, while it is the case that Kiernan has many toy dinosaurs, he does not have a Bonitosaura. Why choose that particular dinosaur, you ask? Because just that day Kiernan's Nana and Pop sent him two very cool posters. One featured birds you might see in the backyard. The other one was entitled "Weird Dinosaurs". Here's a picture of the latter:

The directions on the Mystery Bag assignment clearly state that the object in the bag can be "an item or picture of an object". So, Kiernan set to work finding an image. This was his idea, and he did this on his own.
There he sits, at my computer, searching the Internet for images of Bonitosaura. The poster spread out on the floor for inspiration.
P.S. Thanks Nana and Pop!
It has taken us several YEARS to get homework scheduled right- and I'm a teacher! But I KNOW how important play is... Re: hte reading, we now start bedtime earlier and have them read for the 20 minutes before bed. Makes for easier times all around. I read to them (currently almost done with Black Beauty), and then they read to themselves. And then the fight to get them to turn their lights off and stop reading. Really, not such a bad fight to have... :)
Claire - thank you for that tip! We do typically read at night but it's been the "one book before bed" thing. I like the idea of him doing his "homework reading" and then us together or vice versa! thanks. Wen
Looking at that poster makes me wonder what isn't a weird dinosaur. Seeing KK with some things from us - the little laptop and the poster - lessens the distance between us. Glad he likes the poster. The manufacturer makes school materials. They seem to be good people and a really good company.
why the loud feet? Don't leave me hanging there! We just got back from our 2 week trip so Gammy and I are trying to get back into K's life - and yours too. Where do you go to let K & Oliver play? I agree it's wonderful that you do that. Lots to talk about.
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