Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Chair Enough

Wendy's folks were in town for her sister JoAnne's baby shower. Sadly Kiernan did not get any attention for the whole weekend.


I may be the only one who finds this interesting and cool, but Kiernan can draw circles now. Circles. O's. Balls. Whatever. He can draw a circle.

He is motivated to do this because he got tired of getting us to draw baseballs and basketballs for him. Now he can draw them himself. Sort of. He draws a circle and makes some marks inside of it that are supposed to be the seams. Sometimes instead of a ball he will draw a picture of one of us. It looks like the same picture, unless he's making some kind of comment about my head. Recently the O's (circles, whatever) have become pictures of the sun. His sun pictures are really very good.

Also, no matter what anybody draws--including him--more often than not he will come along and draw a line coming off of it and declare that, henceforth, it is a balloon. You may think you just drew a cat. Nope. What you drew was a cat balloon.

Pumpkin Patch Family

A Monkey's Godfather

Kiernan and his godfather, Daniel. Darren--Kiernan's other godfather--was kind enough to loan him to us for the week so he could build both of our costumes.

Oh, and here's another shot of those cool, cool monkey feet:

And what the heck, one more shot of trick-or-treating. I love the way Kiernan looks carrying his little Jack-o-Lantern as he follows Sam to the next door.

The Curious Incident of the Monkey in the Nighttime

Here's a couple of pictures from Kiernan's second Halloween. As many of you may remember, Kiernan's godfather Daniel is a costume artist. He takes it upon himself to create Kiernan's Halloween costumes, which is really quite cool. This year he created a Curious George costume for Kiernan.

I am to blame for the almost universal poor quality of these pictures. I have no excuse, except to say that I may have been distracted by the enormous yellow hat I had been wearing all day. This is a cute shot, but I have not fixed the eyes yet. I think I took this one right before we went out trick-or-treating. I like this shot because it shows the very cool monkey feet that Daniel made for the costume.

As was the case last year, Kiernan's companion for trick-or-treating was his friend Sam. It's hard to tell in this picture, but Sam was a train for Halloween. From what I understand he is pretty much obsessed with trains, so he went as Thomas the Tank Engine and his mother, Heather, went as an engineer. Why some people feel the need to dress up as part of a theme with their child is beyond me...but whatever.

The boys were a great trick-or-treating team. It was funny to contrast this year with last year, because this time they would just march right up to the door, knock, and say "Trick or Treat!" Kiernan would also do the "smell my feet" chant at some of the houses. I should note that his mother taught him that. I'm very proud of both of them.

I've been trying to avoid this, but I suppose I should include a picture of all three of us.

In case it's not clear from the photo, I am the Man in the Yellow Hat from the Curious George books, and Wendy is a tree. She figured she would spend a significant part of the time while Kiernan was in costume holding him, so she decided to be Momma Tree. I have to say, she makes a darn cute tree. My costume is another of Daniel's brilliant creations. It is hard to get a toddler to carry around props that enhance his costume, so Daniel made a walking prop for! This worked like a charm. We went to school that morning wearing our costumes and the kids just went nuts when they saw us.

Incidentally, I should note that if it seems that Kiernan is less than his normal, ebullient self in these pictures, that is because he was coming down with what would become a pretty good cold. At the time we just thought he was tired from what had been a very full day, even before trick-or-treating. So if he looks a little blank in these pictures, that's why.

This last picture is of Kiernan eating a tortilla after trick-or-treating. I'm including it just because I think he looks so adorable in that costume. I'm also including it because during our walk around the neighborhood we ran into a lot of other trick-0r-treaters. One pair of women stopped us in a driveway, laughed, pointed at Kiernan and said, "Curious Jorge!" They also pointed at me and said some things that I didn't quite catch since basically the word "Jorge" is the extent of my knowledge of Spanish. It's possible they said the word "queso" when they pointed to me, but I can't be sure.

I felt it was fitting to post a picture of our Curious Jorge eating a tortilla on Halloween. This is, after all, Southern California.

Blogga Culpa

First off...apologies. I've been bogged down with a couple of projects, and thus have been neglecting my blogging duties. Furthermore, I apologize but I won't be writing a whole lot for the next couple of entries. I just can't right now. I'll go into why another time, or when I talk to you individually.

Skirting the specifics of the issue for now, suffice to say I got some news yesterday that made me realize I really needed to post some pictures of Kiernan, at the very least. You all need to see more of Kiernan. He is amazing, just amazing, and I need to share that with you all more often. Life is precious and fleeting...and it moves so fast.

So...enjoy the pictures to come. I'll put in what commentary I can, provided I can get my mind to work through all of this and do so.

Love to you all.
Oh, and here's a picture of Kiernan wearing my shoes.