To that end I shall put up more pictures for the time being, and perhaps fewer words. I'll go through the pictures from the various trips we took, and post the ones I like with just a caption or a few thoughts, rather than the epic explanations I usually lay down. In this way, hopefully, I'll get you all up to speed on the goings on of Kiernan and his family more quickly. And you'll be able to read the blog without having to give up your job.
The picture above is from our visit to our family in Phoenix, Kiernan's Gammy and Grance.
It's been an up and down summer for us. Hope you have been well.
Hey Christien!
Thanks for the GREAT photo! I put it on the Desktop of my computer at work and it just makes me smile during these long days.
I don't know why, but that picture makes him look SO much like Wendy. (Don't tell her I said that!)
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