Saturday, April 08, 2006

He can't be a dog, he wears a hat and drives a car...

Kiernan and I were waiting for the Playhouse Disney show while Wendy did a little shopping. She came sprinting back when she found Goofy hanging around without a mile-long line of parents and kids waiting to meet him. He was gracious and a real gentleman, as you would expect.

Sadly, we never found Ariel (the Little Mermaid, for those of you who don't know) for a picture. That would have made Kiernan's day, I'm sure of it. Kiernan's day, I said. Not mine. I don't care about Ariel. Not one little bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wendy- how do you get your hair to grow so fast? Last time I saw you it was much shorter....either it's time for you to share your shampoo secret, or it's time for another visit :)
