Monday, October 17, 2005

"The bravest thing I have ever done."

Gammy and Kiernan were playing in the kitchen last week during Gammy and Grance's visit. Playing in the kitchen essentially involves four things:

1. Crawling around and picking up morsels of whatever from the tile floor and eating them. The terms "edible" and "non-edible" do not apply as, in our house and the surrounding environs, the latter term has ceased to exist. Everything goes in the mouth. Therefore, everything is now edible. Quad erat demonstrandum. The game for the adult is, of course, interception of said morsel.

2. Opening the special "Kiernan Drawer"--the lowest and deepest drawer, filled with baby-safe containers, measuring cups, and funnels--emptying all of the contents of said drawer, then sliding them across the tile floor and chasing after them.

3. Trying to open the non-baby-safe drawers and cabinets and getting angry when they won't open because they have locks on them or an adult is holding them shut.

4. Trying to eat the cat's food. Adult's role is, again, interception.

I think Gammy and Kiernan were playing Game #1 when all of a sudden Gammy put her bare foot down beside Kiernan and made a weird, oogy noise. I think it was something like, "Eeeewwwww!" I asked her what what wrong.

"That is the bravest thing I have ever done," she replied.


"I just squished a spider with my bare foot. Kiernan was about to eat it."

Those of you who are far away, who are jealous of Gammy for getting to spend a week with Kiernan, take note. When you get your chance, this is what is expected. Spider squishing with bare feet. And other brave acts.

You have been warned.

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