Monday, May 23, 2011

Picture of This Day

Today we started swim class, our yearly pre-summer ritual. He's back in the class with his friend Sam, who you can see in the background. It was really cool to see Kiernan jump right back in the pool and pick up just about where he left off. Also cool to hear him telling his swim teachers what he already knew, and what he remembered doing in the last swim class. The kid knows how to self-advocate. I love that.

We need to do more swimming this summer. Also need to buckle down and learn to ride that bike at last.

May 23, 2011


Aunt Amy said...

I have decided that the hang up with the bike might be the pressure of knowing he might actually be REALLLLY GOOOOD at it and therfore the pressure to disappoint is too intense. Just a thought. I'm off to bed now--but thank you for the best Wed evening I've had in weeks. Checking in on TCK is like going to the movies...but cheaper. :)

Anonymous said...

Swimming? biking ????????????? YES! I know a really cool pool where he can swim to his heart's delight. XXOO!