Thursday, April 07, 2011

Picture of This Day

Yeah, this is a terrible looking picture. That's gonna happen. Oh well. I had one of the settings on my camera all wrong. This will be a theme over the next couple of days. Fact is I need a camera smarter than I am.*

Anyway, Kiernan had a playdate after school this day. I brought both him and his friend Roberto home from school and they had a blast. This was at Wendy's behest. She wants him to have more playdates, and she's right to want this. Thank goodness she's good at setting these things up, because I for sure as heck am not. I can execute the playdate proper, but I'm terrible at working out the scheduling.

Here you see Kiernan and Roberto building a structure for Bionicles using the blocks Nee-Nee gave Kiernan many years ago. Cool to see the durability of this gift here.

April 7, 2011

*Apologies to Mitch.

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