Thursday, March 31, 2011

Picture of This Day

Kiernan with Gammy at one of our favorite restaurants, celebrating Mommy's birthday.

Picture taken by Mommy.

Happy Birthday, Wendy!

March 31, 2011

1 comment:

Aunt Amy said...

Is it just me, or do they look alike? I just CAN'T BELIEVE how much older KK looks! I so hope he'll remember me. :( BTW--I am sooo excited right now! This is the first time in nearly a MONTH that I have been able to sit down and do something I have wanted to do--and it is catching up on The Creeping Kid! Rich says I am such a dork, but it feels like I have just sat down with the latest issue of People or something! I can't wait to see what has been happening! And comment. Obviously. :) You rock, Xtien.