Saturday, October 16, 2010

Picture For This Day

Sometimes after school I let Kiernan hang out and play for a bit with his friends.  Yeah, this is irresponsible of me.  There is, after all, work to be done.  First grade does mean more homework, which so far has been a good thing overall.  He's learning to brainstorm ideas for writing and in the interest of trying more challenging math he took a whack at his first Sodoku puzzle (btw...don't look at Blogger's spelling suggestions for Sodoku if you happen to be typing up a blog entry with your kid...yikes). I know we should be heading straight home and getting cracking on homework, but some days I can't resist letting him play.  Moments of play are getting more and more precious.

After a little playtime, we walk up the hill next to the school to our car. Often we do this with Oliver and his two little brothers (and Mom).  On this day, as we walked I turned around and saw this.  I realize that the image of Kiernan reading is one I post often.  I can't help it.  I'm just so constantly tickled by how much he loves to read. To see him engrossed in a book with his friend...I just find that priceless.

October 7, 2010

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