Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Best Defense

The most important tradition in the Pennsylvania roadtrip is the stop for ice cream. Here Sandi shares a bit of her cone with Kiernan. He has just finished sharing a banana split with PapPap.

After the stop Sandi got into the back seat of the van so that she could sit next to Kiernan for a bit. They spent some time talking about some new dinosaurs his mom had purchased for him at the stop. I tuned in and out of the conversation as I read my New Yorker (long trips are when I catch up on months of missed magazines). At one point I tuned in to hear them talking about Iquanodon.

Sandi: What does he [Iguanodon] use the claw for?

Kiernan: To defend himself.

Sandi: What do you use to defend yourself?

Kiernan: My mom.

He said this without even a split-second's hesitation. Sandi and I burst into laughter, surprised and delighted at the response. Keirnan smiled, then elaborated...

Kiernan: My mom and my dad!


Hope said...

What a great response!

Mitch Tobias said...

And. . . what if you need to defend yourself from your mom?