Sunday, June 07, 2009

Picture of This Day

Kiernan went to see a production of the play "Ferdinand the Bull" with his friend Sam today. They both had a pretty good time.

Later, as I got him ready for his nap, I climbed up to the top bunk of Kiernan's bunkbed to read him a story. This is a naptime ritual. I opened the book he had chosen, The Magic School Bus Out of This World. Kiernan read off the list of characters from the title page, and then I read the first page.

All of a sudden he turned to me and threw his arms around my neck and said the following, completely out of the blue...

"You did a good play today, Daddy."

'Made my day' doesn't come within a galaxy of covering it.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

1 comment:

Wendy/Mom said...

tears are in my eyes....