Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Picture For This Day

Picture I just found on an old Treo memory card. Kiernan in a Starbucks parking lot with Aunt Hope, Pop, and Daddy. If memory serves we'd just had dinner at Bonefish Grill, a favorite of my folks. I bring this up because it was my stepfather's birthday today, and they had dinner there again tonight.

Happy Birthday!

July 1, 2007. Newport News, Virginia.


Anonymous said...

I love and miss you more than words can say.

Nothing is more important thatn family.

Anonymous said...

It was probably a year since we had eaten there, so what a a good memory you brought back. We miss you. You always bring such stability to our lives and to our hearts.

Anonymous said...

"Thanks for the memories"...Great times...great family.

Proud of you and love you...Christien-son.
