Thursday, October 23, 2008

Little Big Foot

Last weekend was heavy on the social obligations for Kiernan. On Saturday he attended a play that was a fund raiser event for his pre-school. On Sunday he attended the birthday party of a friend of his whose mother works with Wendy. On Monday he attended another birthday party, this one for a friend of his from school. I will post pictures and do write ups of the two birthday parties presently. I doubt I'll be able to post pictures from the fund raiser. Sorry about that. Nobody had a camera at that event. Not a soul. Can you believe it? And really nobody was even paying attention. Not at all. Unbelievable. The temerity of these people. These California elites. Seriously. That's the reason you won't be seeing any pictures from it. It has nothing to do with the fact that I was required to appear in a bull costume and crawl around on my hands and knees for an hour.

Nothing at all.

Anyway, I'll get to those events in upcoming posts. First I wanted to quickly post a couple of pictures that I find amusing. The first picture is from the party on Sunday, which was a birthday party for Kiernan's friend Julia. Her parents organized this great party at a nature center in a canyon not too far from where we live. It was a great idea, and something I don't think I could handle in a million years, but somehow they did it. I have plenty of pictures from the party, all thanks to the preparedness of my sister, Hope, who is in town for a visit. I'll post some of those later. Right now I just want to post one picture that really struck me...

On its own, not that big of a deal as a picture. We've just arrived at the party and the first organized activity is not yet underway, so Kiernan is exploring the environs. No big deal. Except that the instant I saw this photo when I was transferring pictures from Hope's camera to my computer, I thought of this...

The quintessential, some might say iconic, photograph of Sasquatch.

That's all. No further commentary. Future generations can make whatever observations they want about a boy and the size of his big foot photo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kiernan as Bigfoot?????? Where would he carry his mirror? XO! Gammy