Thursday, September 18, 2008

A-Mason Photos...2008

As promised, awhile ago, here are the photos my brother Mason took during our visit to Virginia for my sister Hope's wedding. He took the pictures as Kiernan played at the beach on the York River with his friend Grace.

I'd prefer to post all of these pictures separately, because I'm so crazy about them, but there's just too many for that. So I felt a slideshow was the best way to go.


[The music is a Duke Ellington piece called "Isfahan". There's no great mystery or story here. It just happens to be the song that iTunes was playing as I did the final upload of this slideshow. I don't know a thing about the piece, other than the fact that it felt just right as I watched the show for the first time and I could listen to this piece of music all day long.]


Anonymous said...

Tell Mason, although he undoubtedly has been told numerous times, the pictures are great. I have so many favorites. Kiernan, like his aunt Hope (snd mayber his mom and dad), takes a great picture.

Anonymous said...

mayber or rather maybe

xtien said...

I, for one, like 'mayber'. 'Snd' too, but especially mayber. It's so folksy!

I love you Mom!
