Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Monkey's Godfather

Kiernan and his godfather, Daniel. Darren--Kiernan's other godfather--was kind enough to loan him to us for the week so he could build both of our costumes.

Oh, and here's another shot of those cool, cool monkey feet:

And what the heck, one more shot of trick-or-treating. I love the way Kiernan looks carrying his little Jack-o-Lantern as he follows Sam to the next door.


Anonymous said...

Amazing! How is it possible that he keeps getting cuter?

Thanks for the lovely post. Mitch & I miss you all, but it sure helps ease the Heimweh to see these amazing glimpses into ya'll's life.

Auntie JoAnne

PS. Could we borrow Daniel for a week? I want to pad around in those monkey feet!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... I can't believe I am looking at my precious nephew on his very first trick-or-treating expedition! So adorable!! I love you, K!
Love, Auntie Mame

Anonymous said...

Oops...I guess I didn't realize that K actually went out trick-or-treating last year too. I thought you guys all just got dressed up. Hmmm...sorry.