Friday, March 05, 2010

Dispatches from Wacky Week

This week is Wacky Week at Kiernan's school. Why? Why to celebrate the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel, of course.

Monday was Wacky Socks Day. No pics of that. Tuesday however, is another story.

Tuesday was Wacky Hair Day. Also the day Wendy volunteers in Kiernan's classroom.

Wednesday lacked official wackiness designation as it was a field trip day. Kindergarten went to the zoo and all the kids were supposed to wear red shirts.

I'll try to get more zoo pics up later, but for now here's Kiernan with his friend Oliver. I drove the two of them and was responsible for them all day. It was a blast.

Thursday was Wacky Everything Day.

Kiernan went as Fish Head Underwear Man (with a cape*). But I'm sure you could tell that yourself.

And today, Friday:

Pajama Day. Nothing says Dr. Seuss like a pair of pajamas at school. He insisted on wearing this footie outfit, telling me, "I have to wear this. I promised Veronica I would!" Huh? Okay. Luckily his shoes fit over the footies.

I will consider the day a success if he's not naked when I pick him up.

Hope your week was wacky, too.

*Cape courtesy of Sandi Murawski