Friday, February 23, 2007

G-I-N-S-B-U-R-G Spells "Dog"

Kiernan read his first word the other day!

Allow me to set the table.

The kid is just nuts about letters. He loves numbers too, but he is absolutely nuts about his letters. He's got the magnetic ones that he plays with on the refrigerator, or on various sheet pans around the house (below is a picture of him doing that with his Pap-Pap and his Uncle Mason at their house in January). He's got a couple sets of foam letters too, some big, uppercase ones that pop out of foam squares that you can link together to form a mat. He also has some smaller ones that are really for the bathtub, as they can stick to the tile walls, but he insists on carting them all over the house and playing with them.

A couple of months ago Kiernan got interested in spelling out every word he saw. In fact, one day in particular, on our way to the airport, he got upset with me because I wouldn't keep the car still enough for him to spell out the signs we were passing. A little while after that Wendy started teaching him how to sound out the letters, and shortly after that he started to sound them out for himself, trying to put together words. He would put a line of letters up on the fridge, sound out the letters one by one--correctly--then make up a totally unrelated word like "blibberflimp" or something.

This seemed totally natural to me until we were at school one day and one of the teachers was playing with him, with some foam letters there. I was hanging back, letting him have some space. She turned to me, sitting a bit away from them, her eyes wide, and said, "He's sounding out the letters." I just shrugged. I mean, I've been able to sound out letters for years. Nobody ever makes a fuss.

At dinner a short while later he tried sounding out some of the words on one of the cool placemats his Aunt Amy made for him. She makes these collage placemats for him sometimes for birthday gifts and he just loves them. One of them has the word "Ginsburg" on it, written vertically. For some reason Wendy's family says the word "Ginsburg" at the start of every meal. Apparently it's German for "We don't believe in saying the blessing"...or something like that. They've explained what it actually means about fifty-three times to me, but I think I was concentrating on saying something pithy about the wine all those times.

So anyway, Kiernan spelled out the word "Ginsburg" on his placemat. He did this very quickly, and Wendy and I looked at each other, holding our breath. Was he going to read this word? Was this the moment?

He then said, "Dog!" and started laughing maniacally.

But then on this last Saturday, Kiernan's Née-Née was over at the house to see him. Wendy broke out the finger paints and she, Renée, and Kiernan sat around making hand prints on butcher paper. I sat at the dining room table, writing in my journal. On a whim Wendy painted the following letters on the paper: C-A-T.

Kiernan moved around to her side of the paper, pointed at the letters, sounded them out without prompting, and said, "Cat."

Our three mouths simultaneously fell open. He read a word! Woo-Hoo! Wendy spelled out a few more three-letter words, and he carefully sounded out and read them all. It was a watershed moment, and I'm so pleased we were all there to see it.

I'm glad he picked the word "cat" as the first thing he's really read. It's a good word, and we have a cat. Plus, I think he was genuinely surprised with how the word ended.

Of course, by the time I got the video camera out to record the moment for posterity Kiernan had decided that every word we spelled out was "Guinea pig", so I don't think we have to worry about him getting ahead of himself.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Mom Possible

Hello everyone, from this side of 2007. Now that all of our holiday stuff, our family traveling, and my Oscar ballots are in the mail, I can get back to my routines. Back to work on the final rewrite of my latest novel. Back to submitting for acting jobs. And back to updating The Creeping Kid. It is easy to see which of these is the most important.

Before I get into catching you all up on Kiernan's doings during the holidays and in the early new year, I must first do a Vocabulary Update.

As many of you know, Kiernan turned two years old on November 29--Holy Cow! As I look at the previous post it appears I have not updated this since well before that on November 16...oof. Sorry about that. At any rate, he is developing by leaps and bounds, and the way his vocabulary is developing is a constant source of amazement to us both. Not just his vocabulary, though. I don't just mean he's using big words, though he is. I mean the way he processes concepts and expresses them. From the simple--"I want juice instead of milk!"--to the more complex--"Sit down on the blanket,'s more comfortable."--he is just exploding in his ability to convey what he wants, thinks, and feels.

The other night at dinner Wendy did something that was silly. I can't remember what it was. What I do remember is that I said, to Kiernan, "Boy, your mom's a piece of work."

Without skipping a beat he replied, "She's impossible!"

I laughed for about half an hour.

He may be a momma's boy now, and for the foreseeable future. He's got her looks (thank goodness), her smarts (ditto), and based on his persistence in getting me to do just about anything he wants, her drive...but I think we all know who he's getting his sense of humor from.

I just hope he forgives me for ending that last sentence with a preposition.

Pictures: The top picture is him at the home of Gammy and Grance, playing with his activity/craft table. The second picture is him preparing for said trip. It's a companion picture to an earlier one of him hanging out in a suitcase (from June 2005, which I will include here as a blast from the past):